- Sell only registered beverages in returnable packaging and adhere to the deposit amount set by the Správca.
- The amount of the deposit is to be stated separately on the price tag or notice board and then added to the price of the beverage.
- When displaying prices on drink menus, we recommend that you include the fact that a deposit is charged on top of the price of the beverages. The disclosure of information to the consumer should be visible, clear and comprehensible.
- The amount of the deposit must be recorded on the receipt separately as a non-taxable sales item. The same applies to the payment of deposits to the consumer.
For retailers
and collection points
Who is a retailer?
A retailer is any seller of beverages in returnable packaging who sells these goods to the final consumer.
Mandatory and voluntary collection points. What is the difference?
collection point
Sales areagreater than 300 m²
A retailer who sells beverages to the end user in a sales area of at least 300 m2, except a retailer who sells food and beverages as ancillary goods on such a sales area, shall be obliged to become a collection point. The compulsorily participating collection point shall be obliged to refund the token for the returned returnable packaging to the consumer in cash at the consumer’s request.
collection point
Sales arealess than 300 m²
A retailer who sells beverages to end-users in a sales area of 300 m2 or more may join the deposit return system as a voluntary collection point. A voluntarily participating collection point may provide the consumer with a discount on a purchase in the amount of the token for the returned returnable packaging.
Retailer Obligations
Responsibilities of the collection point
- Request a fulfilment agreement.
- Deposit and maintain the amount of the deposit.
- Ensure that the packaging is labelled in such a way that it is clear from such labelling that the packaging is subject to the deposit return system.
- Register the returnable beverage packaging before placing it on the market.
- Keep separate accounting records of the price of the goods and the amount of the deposit.
- Keep records of returnable packaging and report the relevant data to the Správca to the extent necessary for the performance of its tasks (report monthly data on the quantity of returnable packaging placed on the market in both pcs and kg).
How do I join the deposit return system?
The retailer fills in the application for a mandatory collection point or the application for a voluntary collection point to enter into a contract with the Správca zálohového systému. The application shall be sent by email to registracia@spravcazaloh.sk.
After the application is assessed by the Správca, the contract documentation is sent to the retailer. The signed contract shall be sent by the retailer in accordance with the the Správca’s instructions.
After the conclusion of the contract, the retailer is sent an email with a link to register on the registration portal of the Správca, where the retailer registers the company.
The retailer purchases the collection equipment. On the registration portal, the Správca registers a collection point with a specific serial number of the purchased equipment for the collection of returnable packaging. The retailer purchases supplies in accordance with the Správca’s instructions.
Once the registration of the collection point has been approved, the retailer may start collecting returnable packaging from consumers. However, prior to the start-up of the deposit return system, it is necessary to verify the readiness of the collection equipment in terms of data logging capability with the equipment supplier.
Downloadable documents
for retailersRegistration documents for retailer
Information material for retailer
Frequently asked questions
from retailersWho is a retailer within the deposit return system?
The retailer of packaging in the deposit return system in Slovakia is a retailer according to a special regulation (Sec. 52(14) of Act No. 79/2015 Coll. on Waste), who sells or distributes beverages in returnable packaging.
How to join the deposit return system as a retailer?
Joining the deposit return system is preceded by sending an application, a template of which can be found on the retailer subpage in the Downloadable Documents section. On this basis, a contract must be concluded with the Správca zálohového systému.
How is the contract between the retailer and the Správca zálohového systému concluded?
Upon receipt of the request, the contract documentation will be sent to the retailer to the contact email address provided in the form. The contract, once completed and signed, must be sent to the Správca zálohového systému (the Správca) by mail to the address provided in duplicate. The retailer is only obliged to apply to the Správca for the conclusion of a fulfilment agreement if it is obliged to register as a collection point or is interested in registering as a voluntary collection point.
Who can register as a collection point?
A retailer of packaging who carries out the sale of beverages to the final consumer in a sales area of at least 300 m2. These obligations may also be voluntarily fulfilled by a retailer of packaging who carries out the sale of beverages in a sales area of less than 300 m2. In this case, a so-called voluntary collection point can be set up. The application template and instructions for entering into a contract with the Správca zálohového systému as a mandatory or voluntary collection point can be found in the Downloadable Documents section of the Retailer subpage. An exemption from the deposit return system is granted to a retailer of packaging that does not sell food and beverages as a main commodity in a sales area of at least 300 m2 (e.g. chemists’, petrol stations, hotels, restaurants).
How to register as a retailer with the deposit return system?
First, you need to submit an application for a contract with the Správca zálohového systému, which is available on the Retailer subpage in the Downloadable Documents section, and then sign a contract with the Správca zálohového systému. The contract, once completed and signed, must be sent to the Správca by post to the address indicated in duplicate. The retailer receives an activation email that contains a link to the registration portal and a prompt for the retailer to create an account with it. The retailer registers and waits for an email asking for a password. After receiving it, the retailer creates a password and the account is successfully created.
How is the registration of a collection point with the Správca carried out?
The retailer is obliged to have first concluded a contract with the Správca zálohového systému and created an account on the registration portal of the Správca. After creating a retailer account, you need to log in the respective collection points on the registration portal of the Správca zálohového systému.
Can I cancel a collection point?
Yes. If there is no longer any collection equipment at the originally registered collection point or if the collection equipment for the collection of returnable packaging is inactive, you can cancel the collection point on the registration portal of the Správca zálohového systému. The cancellation of a collection point is an irreversible process. Collection points at sales areas greater than 300 m2 that sell beverages in returnable containers have a legal obligation to collect the packaging, in which case the collection point can only be cancelled if the legal obligation ceases to exist.
Can I deactivate or reactivate a collection point?
Yes, you can deactivate or reactivate a collection point on the registration portal of the Správca.
How to indicate the amount of deposit on a price tag or a signboard?
The amount of the deposit, 15 eurocents, must be stated separately on the price tag or signboard and then added to the price of the beverage sold. The disclosure to the consumer of the price of the beverage and the amount of the deposit should be visible, clear and comprehensible.
How to account for the amount of deposit on sale?
The amount of the deposit must be recorded on the receipt separately as a non-taxable sales item. The same applies in the case of a deposit payment to the consumer.
What are the approved methods for collecting packaging from the customer?
Collection points may choose one of three approved collection methods for their operations: automated, semi-automated and manual collection. For more information, see the document on the Retailer page under Downloadable Documents.
Who determines the form of collection for a particular operation?
It is determined by the retailer. The Správca zálohového systému may recommend to the retailer the most appropriate solution for the collection of the returnable packaging based on the conditions of a given establishment. The Správca then approves this chosen form of collection.
Who provides consumables for the collection points?
Consumables for individual collection points (bags, seals) are ordered by the retailer according to instructions from the Správca zálohového systému.
What is the process for collecting packaging from collection points?
The collection of returnable packaging is set up automatically based on the number of scanned and sealed bags, the number of which is set up during the registration process for collection. Collections from individual retailers shall be arranged by the Správca zálohového systému through a contract carrier.
When does the Správca pay the retailer the deposit and handling fee for the collected packaging?
Funds for the payment of deposit and handling fees are due by the end of the calendar month following the calendar month in which the Správca zálohového systému becomes obligated to pay the funds in accordance with the applicable contract.
How often is the retailer obliged to send a statement to the Správca zálohového systému?
The retailer is obliged to deliver the information on the amount of paid deposit to the Správca zálohového systému no later than on the 7th day of the calendar month for the period of the previous calendar month in the form of a csv file with a precisely defined structure, by uploading it to the Správca’s registration portal.
What to do in the event of a failure of the collection equipment?
In the event of a fault with the manual scanner, please contact Technical Support on 0650 555 555. In the event of a breakdown of the reverse vending machine, please contact your equipment supplier.
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Prvý diel zo série ♻️🏫 malá ŠKOLA ZÁLOHOVANIA ♻️🏫
Od roku 2022 na Slovensku funguje zálohový systém pre jednorázové plastové fľaše a plechovky od nápojov. ♻️ Tento systém spravuje neštátna nezisková organizácia Správca zálohového systému, ktorá zabezpečuje ich zálohovanie.
Zálohovanie využíva princíp obehového hospodárstva a uzavretia materiálového kruhu “z fľaše do fľase” a “z plechovky do plechovky”, známy aj ako cirkulárna ekonomika.
Viac sa dozviete vo videu. 🎥
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![Prvý diel zo série ♻️🏫 malá ŠKOLA ZÁLOHOVANIA ♻️🏫
Od roku 2022 na Slovensku funguje zálohový systém pre jednorázové plastové fľaše a plechovky od nápojov. ♻️ Tento systém spravuje neštátna nezisková organizácia Správca zálohového systému, ktorá zabezpečuje ich zálohovanie.
Zálohovanie využíva princíp obehového hospodárstva a uzavretia materiálového kruhu “z fľaše do fľase” a “z plechovky do plechovky”, známy aj ako cirkulárna ekonomika.
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Prvý diel zo série ♻️🏫 malá ŠKOLA ZÁLOHOVANIA ♻️🏫
Od roku 2022 na Slovensku funguje zálohový systém pre jednorázové plastové fľaše a plechovky od nápojov. ♻️ Tento systém spravuje neštátna nezisková organizácia Správca zálohového systému, ktorá zabezpečuje ich zálohovanie.
Zálohovanie využíva princíp obehového hospodárstva a uzavretia materiálového kruhu “z fľaše do fľase” a “z plechovky do plechovky”, známy aj ako cirkulárna ekonomika.
Viac sa dozviete vo videu. 🎥
#zalohovanie #slovenskozalohuje #zflasedoflase #zplechovkydoplechovky #cirkularita
🎉🥳 Slovensko prekonalo 3 MILIARDY vyzbieraných zálohovaných obalov od nápojov! 🥳🎉
Obrovské ĎAKUJEME patrí všetkým z vás, ktorí poctivo zálohujete 🙏💚
🫶 Pokračujme ďalej aj v novom roku 2⃣0⃣2⃣5⃣ ♻
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![🎉🥳 Slovensko prekonalo 3 MILIARDY vyzbieraných zálohovaných obalov od nápojov! 🥳🎉
Obrovské ĎAKUJEME patrí všetkým z vás, ktorí poctivo zálohujete 🙏💚
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🎉🥳 Slovensko prekonalo 3 MILIARDY vyzbieraných zálohovaných obalov od nápojov! 🥳🎉
Obrovské ĎAKUJEME patrí všetkým z vás, ktorí poctivo zálohujete 🙏💚
🫶 Pokračujme ďalej aj v novom roku 2⃣0⃣2⃣5⃣ ♻
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Dvanásty diel zo série ♻️🏫 malá ŠKOLA ZÁLOHOVANIA ♻️🏫
Výrobcovia nápojových obalov zohrávajú kľúčovú úlohu v systéme zálohovania na Slovensku. Tento systém je rozšírenou zodpovednosťou výrobcov a aj vďaka ich iniciatíve vznikol Správca zálohového systému. ♻️
Vďaka tejto spolupráci s výrobcami sa vracajú použité obaly späť do obehu ako nové fľaše či plechovky, čím podporujeme obehové hospodárstvo a prispievame k ochrane životného prostredia. 🌱
💡 Viac o fungovaní zálohového systému nájdete na 👉 www.slovenskozalohuje.sk
#zalohovanie #slovenskozalohuje #cirkularita #zflasedoflase #zplechovkydoplechovky #udrzatelnost
![Dvanásty diel zo série ♻️🏫 malá ŠKOLA ZÁLOHOVANIA ♻️🏫
Výrobcovia nápojových obalov zohrávajú kľúčovú úlohu v systéme zálohovania na Slovensku. Tento systém je rozšírenou zodpovednosťou výrobcov a aj vďaka ich iniciatíve vznikol Správca zálohového systému. ♻️
Vďaka tejto spolupráci s výrobcami sa vracajú použité obaly späť do obehu ako nové fľaše či plechovky, čím podporujeme obehové hospodárstvo a prispievame k ochrane životného prostredia. 🌱
💡 Viac o fungovaní zálohového systému nájdete na 👉 www.slovenskozalohuje.sk
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Dvanásty diel zo série ♻️🏫 malá ŠKOLA ZÁLOHOVANIA ♻️🏫
Výrobcovia nápojových obalov zohrávajú kľúčovú úlohu v systéme zálohovania na Slovensku. Tento systém je rozšírenou zodpovednosťou výrobcov a aj vďaka ich iniciatíve vznikol Správca zálohového systému. ♻️
Vďaka tejto spolupráci s výrobcami sa vracajú použité obaly späť do obehu ako nové fľaše či plechovky, čím podporujeme obehové hospodárstvo a prispievame k ochrane životného prostredia. 🌱
💡 Viac o fungovaní zálohového systému nájdete na 👉 www.slovenskozalohuje.sk
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Rok 2024 sa blíži ku koncu a my vám chceme poďakovať za každý jeden vrátený obal. 🌍
🎄 Na záver roka sme si pre vás pripravili video, kde by sa vám chceli prihovoriť nielen zamestnanci Správcu zálohového systému, ale aj naši partneri s ktorými sme počas uplynulého obdobia spolupracovali. 💚
✨ Veríme, že vás táto spomienka na rok 2024 poteší a naladí na blížiace sa sviatky. 🎁
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![Rok 2024 sa blíži ku koncu a my vám chceme poďakovať za každý jeden vrátený obal. 🌍
🎄 Na záver roka sme si pre vás pripravili video, kde by sa vám chceli prihovoriť nielen zamestnanci Správcu zálohového systému, ale aj naši partneri s ktorými sme počas uplynulého obdobia spolupracovali. 💚
✨ Veríme, že vás táto spomienka na rok 2024 poteší a naladí na blížiace sa sviatky. 🎁
🎄Prajeme vám pokojné Vianoce plné radosti a úspešný nový rok 2025. 🎉
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Rok 2024 sa blíži ku koncu a my vám chceme poďakovať za každý jeden vrátený obal. 🌍
🎄 Na záver roka sme si pre vás pripravili video, kde by sa vám chceli prihovoriť nielen zamestnanci Správcu zálohového systému, ale aj naši partneri s ktorými sme počas uplynulého obdobia spolupracovali. 💚
✨ Veríme, že vás táto spomienka na rok 2024 poteší a naladí na blížiace sa sviatky. 🎁
🎄Prajeme vám pokojné Vianoce plné radosti a úspešný nový rok 2025. 🎉
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