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For producers or importers
of beverages in disposable packaging

fľaša a plechovka so slamkou

Who is the producer and importer?

A producer of beverages in disposable, returnable packaging or an importer who places these beverages on the Slovak market.

What is subject to the deposit return system?

For example, we collect packaging from mineral water, sweetened beverages, fruit juices, iced teas, energy drinks, beer, wine or mixed alcoholic beverages. We do not collect containers of milk, milk-containing beverages, syrups, or alcoholic beverages with more than 15 percent alcohol content.

Plastic PET bottles and beverage cans from 0.1 l to 3 l (inclusive) marked with the symbol

fľaša so symbolom Z

Plastic bottles

Plast (PET, HDPE, PP)
plechovka so symbolom Z


Kov (Al a Fe)

Obligations of a producer
or importer

  • Request Správca to conclude a contract for fulfilling obligations.
  • Deposit single-use beverage packaging and adhere to the deposit amount specified by law.
  • Ensure the packaging is labeled in a way that clearly indicates it is covered by the deposit return system.
  • Register deposit beverage packaging before placing it on the market.
  • Maintain separate accounting records for the price of goods and the deposit amount.
  • Pay the deposit to Správca for each packaging placed on the market in accordance with the concluded contract.
  • Pay Správca all costs associated with participation in the deposit return system (fees in accordance with the Contract).
  • Keep records of deposit packaging and report the data to Správca as needed to fulfill its tasks (report monthly data on the quantity of deposit packaging placed on the market in pieces and kilograms).

how to join the deposit return system

The producer or importer shall fill in the contract application form with the Správca zálohového systému. The application shall be sent to

After the application has been assessed by the Správca, the contract documentation is sent to the producer or importer. The signed contract shall be sent by the producer or importer in accordance with the Správca’s instructions.

Once the contract has been concluded, the producer or importer is sent an email with a link to register on the registration portal of the Správca, where they may then register their company and products.

The producer or importer shall modify the beverage container in accordance with the instructions in the Annex to the contract documents. Concurrently with the registration, the producer shall send to the Správca, in accordance with the instructions, the required number of properly labelled, modified beverage containers to be placed on the Slovak market.

24 hours after receiving the confirmation email notification of verification approval, the producer or importer may start placing the registered and verified beverage in the returnable packaging on the Slovak market.

Downloadable documents

for producers or importers

Information materials for the producer

List of EAN codes with terminated placing on the market.

Frequently asked questions

from producers or importers

Which packaging is subject to the deposit return system?

All disposable plastic bottles and cans of beverages with a capacity of 0.1 l up to and including 3 l shall be subject to the deposit return system. Beverages are defined in the Act as “liquid edibles containing more than 80% water and capable of satisfying the physiological requirement for water, but not including milk”. Each returnable bottle or can has a Z symbol in recycling arrows and the text “ZÁLOHOVANÉ”. Disposable plastic bottles and cans of beverages such as sweetened beverages, non-carbonated sweetened beverages, mineral waters, spring waters, baby waters, flavoured waters, fruit juices, nectars, fruit beverages, iced teas, sports drinks, energy drinks, beer, cider, perry, radler and fruit wine are subject to the deposit return system. Milk, milk-containing beverages, syrups and alcoholic beverages with an alcohol content of more than 15 per cent are not returnable.

Who is a producer?

A packaging producer is a packaging producer according to a special regulation (Sec. 52(11) of Act No. 79/2015 Coll. on Waste) which places beverages on the market in returnable packaging.

How to join the deposit return system?

Joining the deposit return system is preceded by sending an application to the Správca zálohového systému, n.o., a sample of which may be found by the producer or importer on the Producer subpage in the Downloadable Documents section. On the basis of the sent application, the process of signing a contract with the Správca zálohového systému, which is a condition for joining the deposit return system in the Slovak Republic, is subsequently implemented.

How is the contract with the Správca zálohového systému concluded?

Upon receipt of the request, the contract documentation will be sent to the producer at the contact email provided in the form. The contract, once completed and signed, must be sent to the Správca by post to the address indicated in duplicate. Every producer or importer who places returnable beverage packaging on the market in the Slovak Republic is obliged to conclude a contract with the Správca.

How is the registration of producers in the deposit return system carried out?

First you need to apply for a contract with the Správca zálohového systému, then sign the contract. The contract, once completed and signed, must be sent to the Správca by post to the address indicated in duplicate. The producer will receive an activation email containing a link to the registration portal and a prompt for the producer to create an account on that portal. The producer registers and waits for an email prompting for a password. After receiving it, the retailer creates a password and the account is successfully created.

How is the registration of beverage packaging from producers and importers handled?

Producers and importers are required to have first entered into a contract with the Správca zálohového systému and to have created an account in the Správca’s registration portal. After creating a producer’s account, it is necessary to register the EAN codes of beverage packaging, which are subject to the deposit return system by law, on the registration portal of the Správca zálohového systému. As part of the registration of EAN codes, 7 pieces of physical packaging samples for each EAN code must be sent to the Správca in accordance with the Správca’s instructions. A decision on the registration of the packaging will be taken within 4 weeks after receipt of the physical samples. The producer may only place the packaging on the market after the successful approval of the registration of the packaging in the deposit return system.

What to do after the end of the sale of a specific product in returnable packaging on the Slovak market?

The producer is obliged to notify the Správca without undue delay of its intention to no longer place specific registered returnable packaging on the market in the Slovak Republic. The producer is obliged to do so at the latest on the day when it ceases to place the registered returnable packaging on the market in the Slovak Republic. The producer shall notify the Správca of its intention and the date from which it will no longer market the registered returnable packaging by email to, through the change process in its registration portal user account. The Správca shall arrange for the deletion of the registered EAN from the central database after the expiry of the minimum durability date of the returnable packaging that the producer has stopped marketing and an additional period of 6 months.

Where should the deposit return system symbol be placed on the packaging?

The deposit return system logo must be placed in accordance with the Správca’s rules, on the label or directly on the packaging of the beverage. More information is provided in the Labelling Manual, which is provided to the producer as an attachment to the contract with the Správca and is also available on the Producer’s subpage under Downloadable Documents.

What are the most common mistakes when labelling returnable packaging ?

In order to avoid possible problems with the verification and subsequent registration of your products in the deposit return system, you only need to follow the instructions in the Labelling Manual. In the case of the Z symbol, observe the specified size, sufficient colour contrast (and you can match the logo colour to your brand colour) positioning near the barcode, orientation and protection zones. The most common mistakes are made with barcodes and are visible to the eye and correctable in the process of designing the packaging graphics or product application. More information is provided in the Labelling Manual, which is provided as an attachment to the contract with the Správca and is also available on the Producer’s subpage under Downloadable Documents.

What changes made to the registered packaging need to be reported to the Správca?

Changes subject to approval by the Správca are detailed in the EAN Change Process instructions sent to the producer/importer with the contract documentation.

What is a deposit return system sticker?

If the producer cannot meet the requirements for displaying the logo on the original packaging label or directly on the packaging, in the case of a can, it may use a separate label to mark the packaging with the barcode, the deposit return system logo and the text “ZÁLOHOVANÉ”. The conditions for the use and registration of such labelled packaging in the deposit return system can be found in the Producer’s Labelling Manual, which is available on the Producer’s subpage in the Downloadable Documents section.

How to mark the packaging for draught beverages for sale to takeaway customers?

In exceptional cases approved by the Správca, a sticker with a so-called “universal barcode” may be used for plastic or metal returnable packaging of the same volume, shape and dimensions, indicating the generic trade name of the beverage and the volume of the returnable packaging (e.g. “draught cask wine 1.5 L” or “draught beer 0.5 L”). In this case, the producer shall register a single barcode for the returnable packaging of a specific volume, shape and dimensions for the purposes of registration in the deposit return system. The universal barcode label can be registered in cases where plastic returnable packaging is used to package the beverage for the end-user to take away (e.g. draught wine, draught beer, draught soft beverage) or e.g. in the case of craft beers marketed in minimal volumes and distributed exclusively within the producer’s own distribution. Returnable packaging bearing a “universal barcode” sticker cannot be distributed outside the producer’s own sales network.

What fees will producers pay into the deposit return system?

The producer pays 3 types of fees to the system, entry = one-off fee for registration of the producer in the system, administrative fee for registration, deactivation of the EAN in the system and the fee for placing the packaging on the market, the so-called Industry fee.

How often is the producer obliged to send a statement to the Správca ?

The producer is obliged to inform the Správca, no later than by the 6th day of each calendar month, about the quantities of returnable packaging placed on the market in the Slovak Republic for the period of the previous calendar month for each registered barcode in both pieces and kilograms, through the Správca’s registration portal, where the producer has created its user account.

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Prvý diel zo série ♻️🏫 malá ŠKOLA ZÁLOHOVANIA ♻️🏫

Od roku 2022 na Slovensku funguje zálohový systém pre jednorázové plastové fľaše a plechovky od nápojov. ♻️ Tento systém spravuje neštátna nezisková organizácia Správca zálohového systému, ktorá zabezpečuje ich zálohovanie. 

Zálohovanie využíva princíp obehového hospodárstva a uzavretia materiálového kruhu “z fľaše do fľase” a “z plechovky do plechovky”, známy aj ako cirkulárna ekonomika. 

Viac sa dozviete vo videu. 🎥

#zalohovanie #slovenskozalohuje #zflasedoflase #zplechovkydoplechovky #cirkularita

Prvý diel zo série ♻️🏫 malá ŠKOLA ZÁLOHOVANIA ♻️🏫

Od roku 2022 na Slovensku funguje zálohový systém pre jednorázové plastové fľaše a plechovky od nápojov. ♻️ Tento systém spravuje neštátna nezisková organizácia Správca zálohového systému, ktorá zabezpečuje ich zálohovanie.

Zálohovanie využíva princíp obehového hospodárstva a uzavretia materiálového kruhu “z fľaše do fľase” a “z plechovky do plechovky”, známy aj ako cirkulárna ekonomika.

Viac sa dozviete vo videu. 🎥

#zalohovanie #slovenskozalohuje #zflasedoflase #zplechovkydoplechovky #cirkularita

10 0
🎉🥳 Slovensko prekonalo 3 MILIARDY vyzbieraných zálohovaných obalov od nápojov! 🥳🎉

Obrovské ĎAKUJEME patrí všetkým z vás, ktorí poctivo zálohujete 🙏💚

🫶 Pokračujme ďalej aj v novom roku 2⃣0⃣2⃣5⃣ ♻

 #slovenskozalohuje #zalohovanie #cirkularita #udrzatelnost #zflasedoflase #zplechovkydoplechovky #obehovehospodarstvo #3miliardy

🎉🥳 Slovensko prekonalo 3 MILIARDY vyzbieraných zálohovaných obalov od nápojov! 🥳🎉

Obrovské ĎAKUJEME patrí všetkým z vás, ktorí poctivo zálohujete 🙏💚

🫶 Pokračujme ďalej aj v novom roku 2⃣0⃣2⃣5⃣ ♻

#slovenskozalohuje #zalohovanie #cirkularita #udrzatelnost #zflasedoflase #zplechovkydoplechovky #obehovehospodarstvo #3miliardy

22 1
Dvanásty diel zo série ♻️🏫 malá ŠKOLA ZÁLOHOVANIA ♻️🏫

Výrobcovia nápojových obalov zohrávajú kľúčovú úlohu v systéme zálohovania na Slovensku. Tento systém je rozšírenou zodpovednosťou výrobcov a aj vďaka ich iniciatíve vznikol Správca zálohového systému. ♻️

Vďaka tejto spolupráci s výrobcami sa vracajú použité obaly späť do obehu ako nové fľaše či plechovky, čím podporujeme obehové hospodárstvo a prispievame k ochrane životného prostredia. 🌱

💡 Viac o fungovaní zálohového systému nájdete na 👉

#zalohovanie #slovenskozalohuje #cirkularita #zflasedoflase #zplechovkydoplechovky #udrzatelnost

Dvanásty diel zo série ♻️🏫 malá ŠKOLA ZÁLOHOVANIA ♻️🏫

Výrobcovia nápojových obalov zohrávajú kľúčovú úlohu v systéme zálohovania na Slovensku. Tento systém je rozšírenou zodpovednosťou výrobcov a aj vďaka ich iniciatíve vznikol Správca zálohového systému. ♻️

Vďaka tejto spolupráci s výrobcami sa vracajú použité obaly späť do obehu ako nové fľaše či plechovky, čím podporujeme obehové hospodárstvo a prispievame k ochrane životného prostredia. 🌱

💡 Viac o fungovaní zálohového systému nájdete na 👉

#zalohovanie #slovenskozalohuje #cirkularita #zflasedoflase #zplechovkydoplechovky #udrzatelnost

9 0
Rok 2024 sa blíži ku koncu a my vám chceme poďakovať za každý jeden vrátený obal. 🌍

🎄 Na záver roka sme si pre vás pripravili video, kde by sa vám chceli prihovoriť nielen zamestnanci Správcu zálohového systému, ale aj naši partneri s ktorými sme počas uplynulého obdobia spolupracovali. 💚

✨ Veríme, že vás táto spomienka na rok 2024 poteší a naladí na blížiace sa sviatky. 🎁

🎄Prajeme vám pokojné Vianoce plné radosti a úspešný nový rok 2025. 🎉

#slovenskozalohuje #zalohovanie #zFlaseDoFlase #zPlechovkyDoPlechovky #cirkularita #udrzatelnost #vianoce2024 #pf2025

Rok 2024 sa blíži ku koncu a my vám chceme poďakovať za každý jeden vrátený obal. 🌍

🎄 Na záver roka sme si pre vás pripravili video, kde by sa vám chceli prihovoriť nielen zamestnanci Správcu zálohového systému, ale aj naši partneri s ktorými sme počas uplynulého obdobia spolupracovali. 💚

✨ Veríme, že vás táto spomienka na rok 2024 poteší a naladí na blížiace sa sviatky. 🎁

🎄Prajeme vám pokojné Vianoce plné radosti a úspešný nový rok 2025. 🎉

#slovenskozalohuje #zalohovanie #zFlaseDoFlase #zPlechovkyDoPlechovky #cirkularita #udrzatelnost #vianoce2024 #pf2025

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